1st Signal Brigade Association
2006 Reunion
August 25-27
Marriott Crystal City
Arlington, VA 22202
Visit our Web page. http://www.1stsigbde.org/ for
details. The web page contains a Registration Form to place your personal
data into our database of over 2,600 Brigade veterans, a Membership
Registration Form, a Reunion Registration Form and Sales Order Forms for
purchase of Ball Caps, Polo Shirts, Jackets and Bumper Stickers.
There are thousands of pictures of Brigade individuals and Brigade sites in
Vietnam, Thailand and Korea. There are hundreds of pages of useful
information on the Brigade history and some of the key Brigade personnel.
We encourage ALL of you to register your information so we can include you
in our database and place you on our e-mail list. Additionally we encourage
you to join the Association and plan to attend the Reunion if you are able.
Merv Norton
1st Signal Brigade Association